Tieguanyin - Also known as 'Iron Goddess of Mercy', tieguanyin falls between black and green tea on the taste spectrum but is faintly yellow in colour.
Jiuniang - Jiuniang is a fermented sweet rice wine which has a soup-like consistency. It is essentially just unfiltered rice wine, yet it has a very low amount of alcohol.
Pearl Milk Tea - Originating from Taiwan, this soft drink proves very popular amongst the younger Chinese population. The drink sees jelly-like bubbles added to sweet milk tea. The 'pearls' or bubbles are made from tapioca and are very soft. Bubble teas, such as the pearl milk tea, are now popular throughout Europe and America too
Xinjiang Black Beer - Otherwise known as Sinkiang black beer, this flavourful drink comes from northwest China. Like American dark lager, it has hints of brown sugar sweetness. The black beer is often enjoyed alongside spicy dishes.
Chrysanthemum Tea - Coming from a flower, chrysanthemum tea is naturally flowery in both taste and scent, and provides a herbal remedy for many ailments. Reported benefits include lowering cholesterol, helping digestion, detoxifying the liver and cooling high temperatures.
Suanmeitang - A plum flavoured carbonated drink, that is predominantly enjoyed in the summer months. The fizzy drink has a sweet and sour taste that matches well with spicier Chinese meals. It is made from sour plums, rock salt, liquorice root, hawthorn and sweet osmanthus, and has a soothing effect.
Soybean Milk - Soybeans are one of the most popular ingredients in East Asian cuisine, and they also prove popular in drink form. Soybean milk is used as a protein shake in China, with the yellow beans offering a natural and sweet sip.
Yunnan Coffee - As coffee rapidly grows in popularity in China, the beans produced in Yunnan, a province in southwestern China, have appeared as a frontrunner in the specialty coffee culture. Over 98% of all coffee in China comes from this area, and even supplies some of the coffee to Starbucks stores across mainland China! One of the most popular brands of coffee from Yunnan is AiNi, which produces a range of cinnamon-flavoured beans that produce a wonderfully flavourful light roast.
Coconut Milk - Coconut milk for drinking can be found in cans or cartons throughout China. It is made from the grated meat of the fruit, with water and sugar added to alter the taste and consistency. It is much thicker and sweeter than coconut water. Coconut milk is most popular in southern China, although it is enjoyed throughout the whole country.
Tsingtao Beer - Coconut milk for drinking can be found in cans or cartons throughout China. It is made from the grated meat of the fruit, with water and sugar added to alter the taste and consistency. It is much thicker and sweeter than coconut water. Coconut milk is most popular in southern China, although it is enjoyed throughout the whole country.